Every blessing i have is a gift from your hand…..

When we host relatives or friends at home and don’t want to fiddle with starters, stuffed eggs are a perfect solution. We can put them together ahead…


When we host relatives or friends at home and don’t want to fiddle with starters, stuffed eggs are a perfect solution. We can put them together ahead…

Oh God, Please keep me safe today at my house. Eliminate disease, grief, and money concerns.

Heavenly Father, I don’t feel good. I’m tired. Please enter my house, alleviate my heartache, calm my soul, and remove my anxieties. May You bless my friends,…

Day and night, a grandmother considers her grandchildren.If you adore your grandkids and the blessing

It’s time to pull off the band-aid: Your grandparents are the ones who will always love and think the world of you. To be honest, nobody can…

In order to allow the elderly Walmart employee to retire and not go hungry, this young man donated about $190,000. Well done, dude!

In order to allow the elderly Walmart employee to retire and not go hungry, this young man donated about $190,000. Well done, dude! After working for the…

I pray that God will bless you.

Blessings from the Bible are frequently connected to security and contentment. The purpose of God’s blessings is to keep us safe, point us in the direction of…

“In God We Trust” Must Be Exhibited in All Public Schools, Per Red State Law

In an attempt to return classrooms from woke ideology and fringe ideas to a more God-centered environment, another state has approved legislation. To the dismay of some…

95% of individuals are unable to identify the picture’s disguised face!

95% of individuals are unable to identify the picture’s disguised face!

May you always feel the soft wind of hope brushing across your soul.

pray that you will always feel the soft wind of hope, carrying you through the best and worst of times. May you be filled to the brim…

My son is nine today; I hope I receive tons of affection here.

Children are considered the most treasured blessings of life by many parents. Your son will always be your baby, no matter how old he grows, and his…